Seattle Epidemiologic Research and Information Center (ERIC)
Current Research
The Seattle ERIC provides operational support for these Cooperative Studies Program (CSP) funded epidemiologic research projects.
CSP #256: Vietnam-Era Twin (VET) Registry
The VET Registry provides a unique sample of Veterans for investigators to study the genetic and environmental determinates of diseases etiology and outcomes. It's comprised of study data and specimens, re-located to the Seattle ERIC in 2001, and enhances the ability of the Seattle ERIC to achieve its goals. Visit the Registry home page to learn more. Principal Investigator: Nicholas L. Smith, PhD
CSP #488: Prevalence of HCV among Veterans (Veteran Serum & Plasma Repository)
The primary objective of this study was to estimate about how many U.S. Veterans (female and male) were exposed to Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and how many were living with chronic HCV infection. Visit the study home page to learn more. Principal Investigator: Jason Dominitz, MD, MHS
CSP #505: Millennium Cohort Study
The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of military service, including deployments and other occupational exposures, on long-term health. Important health outcomes include all objective diagnoses, as well as subjective measures of symptoms and functional health. Visit the study home page to learn more. Study Chair: Edward J. Boyko, MD, MPH
CSP #569: Veteran Health Study (or A Twin Study of the Course and Consequence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Vietnam Era Veterans)
This study used the Vietnam-Era Twin (VET) Registry to estimate current prevalence of mental and physical health conditions and to answer questions about how PTSD might influence the lives of Veterans decades after the end of the war. Visit the study home page to learn more. Principal Investigator: Jack Goldberg, PhD, MA
CSP #595: Service and Health during the Iraq and Afghanistan Era (Pilot study)
The pilot study determined the willingness of Veterans who served during the Iraq and Afghanistan Era to provide health and military service information. Principal Investigator: Nicholas L. Smith, PhD
CSP #595: Service and Health Among Deployed Veterans (SHADE)
The primary objective of this study is to characterize the impact of deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan on the respiratory health of Veterans. Visit the study home page to learn more. Study Chairs: Eric Garshick, MD, MOH and Paul Blanc, MD, MSPH
CSP #2007: National Vietnam Veterans Longitudinal Study (NVVLS) Registry
The National Vietnam Veterans Longitudinal Study (NVVLS) Registry is a closed cohort composed of approximately 1,450 female and male Veterans who served in the United Stated military during the time of the Vietnam War (1964-1975). Initially formed to look at the prevalence, incidence, and effects of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and related postwar psychological issues, the Registry has evolved into a resource for epidemiologic studies of mental and physical health conditions. The Seattle ERIC acquired stewardship of the NVVLS Registry in April 2015. Visit the Registry home page to learn more. Principal Investigator: Nicholas L. Smith, PhD
CSP #2028: Epidemiology, Immunology and Clinical Characteristics of COVID-19 (EPIC3)
The objective of this study is to answer key research questions about SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 natural history, clinical outcomes, and the development of immunity while also gathering biospecimens for future study as questions emerge about this new pathogen. Visit the study home page to learn more. Study Chairs: Jennifer Lee, MD, PhD and Jennifer Ross, MD, MPH, and Javeed Shah, MD, FIDSA
CSP #G002: Million Veteran Program (MVP)
MVP is a national research program to study how genes affect health. The goal of MVP is to collect blood samples and health information from one million Veteran volunteers, which will be stored anonymously in a large database. Visit the study home page to learn more. Seattle Principal Investigator: Edward J. Boyko, MD, MPH